Friday, August 19, 2011

Yet Another Little Girl!

Lately, I've been having an insane amount of night-time visits by badly tempered, deceased, little girls. You see, it's just that I always forget to repost all those messages. Silly me! Here's a description of my most recent visitors.

GIRL DIED IN 1993. The murderer chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will stand at the side of your bed starring straight into your eyes. She will suffocate you... like she was suffocated. This story is sadly true. If you post this 5 differnt events she will not bother u

I just love the introduction "GIRL DIED IN 1993." It seems terribly vague, seeing as millions of girls died in 1993. I believe the poor, misguided writer meant to begin it with a "this".... Also the seeming pointlessness of the chant. I mean, come on! The writer could've done so much with that! She could've had said little girl chanting that late at nigh, come the stroke of midnight, or something along those lines....I'm scaring myself already! I tell you, if I didn't hate these things, I'd write them! Also baffling is the wording at the end. "She will not bother u" Once again, terribly vague...not to mention lack luster! This whole thing is a lose lose situation. You'll either be suffocated, or have an awkward moment with a dead girl in your bedroom "not bothering you". Can you imagine the awkward moments you and dead girl would have when she was "not bothering you"? I'd love to hear the small talk you'd have...."So...your dead...How's that working out for you?"

What I really want to know is why all these murdered girls want revenge on perfect strangers. Don't they realize that this will get them nowhere? In Ghandi's words, "An eye for an eye, makes the world blind!" So this is my call to all you angry, recently deceased girls out there: Don't take out your trouble on the innocent, instead try screaming into an ectoplasmic pillow.

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